They have rights too…
We are living in society where we have been told that we all are equal and we should respect each other and should spread love. But when it comes to ‘Transgenders’ then why we have forget everything and look down on them. Aren’t they human, don’t they have rights to live, aren’t they a part of this society too.

My idea for Amal’s Mega Project is to encourage and help these Transgenders. These people are not getting their basic rights i.e. education, job and even a right to live. It came to my mind when I was in 9th standard. I was going to academy and then I saw some people are teasing a Transgender. Literally at that time I didn’t even know what does Transgender mean.
Then after some days I saw a Transgender been beaten by some teenagers. They were abusing him and even they injured him. So I became curious and wondered why these people are treated so badly in this society. So the time passed by and I grew up but those questions still bothered me that where are their parents and why don’t people respect them.

Some days ago, on Sept. 10, 2020 a transgender named ‘Gul Panra’ killed by a man in Peshawar, Pakistan. What was her mistake, why he killed her. This will happen again and again if we can’t do anything for them.
Some months ago I watched an interview of a Transgender. Her name is Alina Khan. She told that even her parents don’t love her. How her brother beat her daily. People tease her, abuse her moreover no-one is willing to give her some work to do. She said,
“If our parents accept us then we can avoid a lot of bad things.”

These were the reasons that I made mind to do something for them. There are some solutions which come to my mind:
The state must provide them all the basic rights
There parents must be acknowledged that they are not curse for them at least they should treat them like their own child because they are the creation of Almighty too, So they should accept them
Education must be provided to them so that they can discover themselves
Job opportunities must be given to them
I became really happy when some months ago I knew that a Transgender has become the first Pakistani Transgender Anchor person. Her name is Marvia Malik. She is a true inspiration for the other transgenders as well.

Moreover what I can do for them now is;
To encourage them to live with grace and dignity
To raise their voice and stand up for their basic rights
To help them financially as much as I can

In the end I just want to quote Ed Murray (American Politician);
“The Transgender community deserves the dignity and respect that most people take for granted.”